كود انشاء زر و مربع نص بواسطة الكود


'ضع الكود في الفورم

Private WithEvents btnObj As CommandButton
Private WithEvents txtObj As TextBox

Private Sub btnObj_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Set txtObj = Controls.Add("VB.textbox", "txtObj")
With txtObj
.Visible = True
.RightToLeft = True
.Alignment = 2
.Width = 2000
.Text = "السلام عليكم"
.Top = 2000
.Left = 1000
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set btnObj = Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "btnObj")
With btnObj
.Visible = True
.Width = 2000
.Caption = "Click"
.Top = 1000
.Left = 1000
End With
End Sub

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